Philosophical, Drama/Mystery film about an enigmatic, extroverted woman who befriends a introverted young man and gets him involved in what she’s facing. A gang of gypsies are on the hunt for her as she scammed them. They are forced to go on the run to try and escape the gypsies. Their very opposite personalities cause friction but by being forced to help each other they become close friends and learn to accept each other’s flaws and quirks and ultimately cause one and other to grow as individuals; learning in the process what true friendship is.
A red 90s Golf GTi is parked outside a petrol station. Inside sits JASPER who looks no older then his mid twenties, sketching in his notepad and waiting for his friend who’s paying inside. Coming from the car stereo, “Wire Frame Mattress” plays. The Petrol Station in engulfed in a thick fog made hazy by the bright crystal white light coming from the streetlights. He pauses drawing and looks up briefly checking his surroundings; the station is empty. His friend is making a coffee inside the station. He looks down at his notepad again briefly before looking back up. Standing under the dazzling light of the petrol station, a woman’s figure emerges from the foggy abyss. The fog dissipates as the guitar solo of the song begins. Jasper continues to watch from inside the car. *The camera slowly zooms into a medium shot of her. A small woman called MAX who was no taller than 5,3 stands while smoking a cigarette. As the smoke clears from her face, Jasper is finally able to see who this woman was. She was wearing:
- circular sunglasses (the ones which have the points at the top both outer edges)
- a black leather trench coat
- Her hair was bright blond and styled in a wavy bob with bangs.
- Just below her bottom lip was a stud piercing
- Her ears are also pierced heavily
There’s an immediate elegance about her appearance while simultaneously giving off an aura of power. The fog and bright light above her made it hard for Jasper to get a clear look at her and yet he sat in the car transfixed; as she smokes her cigarette. She then tosses her cigarette and walks towards the car. Jasper panics and quickly tosses his notepad onto the seat next to him and tries to lower the seat back to hide from her. It’s too late however, Max was already standing by the window and could see Jasper laying with the seat back. He slowly raises the seat, giving the woman and awkward nod and winding the window down.
(feeling awkward)
Erm, I don’t really know what I was aiming for there.
(look of distain)
You on your way to somewhere then?
Errrm, yes
Well, don’t suppose you have room for one more do you?
Jasper suddenly perks up.
And do you know any other words other than yes?
(trying to think of another word for yes)