The Film Set-up
Due to COVID-19, stash. was installed into a coffee shop scene created in a spare room within a house. This proved to work well, but if it were to be installed under normal circumstances, a real coffee shop location would be used.
Creating the frame
Painting the timber white to create the goal post frame.
Three 2.4 metre lengths of 2 x 4 inch timber were purchased, measured, cut and painted white. The aim was to create a goal post frame to enable for the installation of stash. within a “coffee shop” scene. This scene would be set-up within a spare bedroom at home. The purpose of the frame was to be able to install the product without damaging any part of the room.
One side of the goal post timber frame installed within the room.
The goal post timber frame installed within the room.
The goal post timber frame was then installed. The posts on either side acted as pillars that compressed the top bar into the ceiling, providing a secure frame that could bare weight. This frame meant that no damage was caused to surrounding walls or ceiling. The white painted timbers blended into the background well.
High grade steel ceiling brackets with the rawl plugs and hex head screws used for the installation.
Securing the ceiling brackets to the timber frame.
The ceiling brackets were then fastened into the timber with the use of a power drill and wrench. The power drill was used to create pilot holes and the wrench was used for screwing the hex head screws. In a real installation scenario, the installer is advised to use a hex head drill bit, allowing for a more secure installation.
These brackets were strategically installed directly above the coffee table being used, creating pleasing symmetry for the videography and photography.
Attaching the rope to the pulley wheels and carabiner.
The pulley wheels were then attached to the ceiling brackets with ‘S’ hooks (not the specified attachments), the hemp rope was pulled through the pulley wheels and the carabiner was attached via a noose knot. The goal post timber frame had proven to be effective in taking the weight of stash., as well as the additional weight of the bag.
The camera and microphone used to record stash. communication assets.
A Nikon D3200 DSLR camera has been used to capture the final photos and video. For the video, a BOYA BY-M1 3.5mm Lavalier Condenser Microphone was attached to the camera to record good quality audio.
This camera proved to work well. However, if the video was shot again, a wide lens would be used in order to capture a wider shot that allowed for more of the product to be within the frame. Although, in the ideal scenario of shooting the film within a spacious coffee shop, this could be achieved without changing the lens.
Editing the Film
Adobe Premier Pro has been used to edit the stash. film.
stash. film
link: stash. product film.
Photography and Video Set-up
The Table Arrangement
The table arrangement designed for the stash. photography and cinematography.
The table arrangement is something that was technically thought through, so each item has intention and meaning. The pink cup and saucer both help go along with a Dutch design coffee shop interior and also reference stash. brand colour scheme.
The pink candle holder, vase and flower also reference stash. brand colour scheme and its Dutch design influence.
The pastry has been used to finish off the coffee shop aesthetic. The pastry provides reality because it connects to the senses. The viewer can almost taste and smell the pastry, and pastries are very relatable when it comes to spending time in coffee shops.
Final Product Photo
stash. product photo.
stash. was positioned close to a window during sunrise, allowing natural light to illuminate the scene. This natural light mimics the light that penetrates coffee shop windows, creating a comforting, warm and relatable glow. This natural light also meant that lighting rigs did not need to be set-up, saving time and money.
Furniture and Setting
The white chair is simple and has been covered in a white chalk paint, meaning that the eye is not drawn to it. The table used is a round garden table covered in a white bed sheet with a length of hemp rope tied around it. The white sheet blends into the background and the rope compliments the hemp rope used to create stash. The white walls allow for stash. to present itself clearly.
White clothing continues the white theme, taking the attention away from the user in order to focus the viewers eye onto the product.
To Conclude…
The installation of stash. went very smoothly and did not cause any damage to the surrounding room. The goal post frame has been paramount in allowing for this simple and effective installation. However, this method is not the intended installation procedure when this product is installed within coffee shops. In coffee shops, the ceiling brackets will be securely and permanently installed into the ceiling/joists of the interior, creating a secure, safe and reliable product.