Therapeutic Space

 Sokborisak Chea

Therapeutic Space for People: 

This project aims to improve the well-being of individuals dealing with depression, social anxiety, and isolation by creating spaces that encourage self-expression and social interaction. 

The project is divided into three areas: 

  1. Entertainment and Events Zone: A space for socializing. 
  1. Calm Zone: An area for activities like reading, yoga, and sunbathing. 
  1. Gardening Zone: A communal gardening space. 

Additionally, there are indoor spaces for group therapy and studios. 

The goal is to help individuals feel comfortable outdoors, like at home, fostering a sense of belonging and reducing isolation. Drawing from my own experience with social anxiety, I know the importance of encouragement and gradual exposure to social settings in overcoming isolation.  

See more of Boris’ work here:

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