Research for Em’s first shoot

As discussed in the breakdown of Em’s Instagram and the different personas which she takes on throughout her personal life, there is a persona which finds power, comfort and enjoyment in presenting herself in a very sexual way, celebrating her body and experimenting with both make-up and cosmetic procedures.

I am looking at my case studies in a manner of almost fairytale like versions of how they see themselves, as well as this I will also be looking at and taking reference from the historical and culture nature of what has influenced these personas.

In the case of this particular one I began by researching into beauty ideals throughout modern and historical culture, such as shrinking of the waist, foot binding and many more. By learning about these and symbolism that each one held such as wide hips and tiny waist to communicate that although slim and healthy, this woman has “child bearing hips”. By combining all of these beauty ideals in one image it was my aim to create what should be “the perfect woman” Combine this with the styling and narrative that I also choose, the story becomes about celebrating women, regardless of what they choose to do to themselves. Further to this it was also my aim to include all of these ideal simultaneously as a comment on how much society asks from us.

In terms of styling and making clear what slant I wanted to take on “The Beauty Queen of Instagram” I kept thinking along the lines of how we should be viewing each other, how sad and reductive it was to take so much notice of how we all look. I then thought in terms of looking up to each other and celebrating each other like we do with any great powerful icon, combine this with ideas of great beauty I happened to start researching into Goddesses throughout history, predominately of archetypal symbolism of love, beauty, femininity and Power. In particular Aphrodite. ‘Venus uncovered: Ancient Goddess of Love’ is a fantastic documentary that really enlightened me to the fact that the artworks that have been produced of Aphrodite for a very long time have actually been gazing upon her in a purely sexual and reductive light, Bethany Hughes goes on to explain that the ways in which Aphrodite was originally viewed was as an all powerful, multidimensional figure head. Someone who held great powers in love and lust as well as torment, holding the power to destroy the lives. In this way she was greatly respected. This struck a cord with me in the sense that this is what is missing in society. I believe that we look upon each other as such linear beings, forgetting how complex we all are. This greatly inspired me when story boarding the whole shoot as I then set out to tell the story of the many dimensions of a woman. She is strong, she is vulnerable. She is caring, she is distant. She is light, she is darkness. She is human.

Portrait research – Cecil Beaton

FIG 1: Cecil Beaton, Princess Elizabeth aged 16 Wearing Insignia of the Grenadier Guards, 1942.

FIG 2: Cecil Beaton, Lady Milbanke, 1929


In beginning my research in portrait photography I am looking at how other portrait photographers contextualise their subjects. This is something that I have been practicing in the past few weeks by photographing my subjects in different environments and situations. By doing so you can see the many different personas that some people take on dependent on where they are and what environment they are in. So far I have practiced photographing my subjects in their place of work to look at the juxtaposition of their professional personas for the sake of their job compared to the other personas that they take on, as well as in doors and at home to create an illusion of having just woken up. This was to look at my subjects in a vulnerable state so that I could then photograph them when they are taking on a persona and see how they differ from taking this on and how they construct this image of themselves.

This study interests me greatly in how we construct ourselves and why, why in terms of what influence we take from the world around us culturally. For the most part of this study I will be looking at the influence that we take from social media but as I am photographing some subjects who have not been influenced by social media, this element does not apply to all of them.


Reference for images: