About their look, blues and white minimalist design, cheery whilst remaining calm
About the collaborations Whistles, Yellow Bird Project,
About their task and how they handle it, their target market is not the usual age group that the majority of people would assume can actually develop cancer, for this reason they’re not only dealing with raising money to save lives, care for the families and care for the clients after cancer too. They are also on a mission to educate the public on youth cancer and the fact that although in most cases it is the over 60s age bracket that develop the disease. However there are 11000 new cases of youth cancer every year.
As aforementioned, they are up against battling age appropriate for cancers, they combat this very plainly and simply by having an ethos of no one on their watch will fight cancer alone, they will be supported. Along with this comes a strong sense of family and community and they have created different sections to their services. They do not just give your medical advice and send you on your way. They are very intent on providing care for their clients mental state, as well as wellbeing.