Website Creation

Week 1 :

Today I created the basic structure of my website which will be used as a method of documenting my progress, the things I learn, create and experiment with. I started by creating a URL through the university blog website ( –using my name as the main title making it easily identifiable.

What I experimented with:

  • Themes : This is very important as it will be a factor that will determine the clarity of my work- it has to be be easy to navigate.
  • Types of side menu
  • Background colours
  • Adding new posts to an existing page
  • Adding photos : I made sure that I reduced the size of the photo from MB to KB so as not to take up too much storage (1GB for website) .

Later in the week after feedback, my own reflections and looking at others work:

  • changed the theme
  • added  a new page to record weekly planning and review of what I still have to improve on


theme 1

Theme: Boardwalk- Too plain and menu is not immediately obvious you have to click on a drop down menu from a small icon in the corner

Theme able

Theme: Able, this is a clear setup and allows you to change background colours however I don’t like the italic font throughout


Update Feb 18th :

Menus – I wanted to put the tabs on the header menu in chronological order of the weekly projects (more logical). At first I put them the wrong order and instead of deleting the menu structure I deleted a whole page. I was relieved when I found you could restore them from the bin.

Menu setup

Menu Structure

Next I looked at what I wanted my home page to present.  I decided the post that I was using to summarise made the main page look disorganised and was misleading when you were looking for the actual page. I changed the main page to my planning section as this provided a good summary of my progress and makes it clear to me what still needs to be done.


Home page

Home page display

Through out the website development process I talked to my peers about what they thought could be improved. Using other people’s view gave me a set of fresh eyes to show what would be more effective and engaging for someone I had not explained my work to. One of the suggestions was to add a bit of colour.

Background colour

Background colour

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