‘How I hacked online dating’

Amy Webb was having no luck with online dating, attracting unsuitable partners and the ones she did like would not reply. She worked out the algorithms to sort the problem…
As a fan of data she created her own data points to determine potential matches and then proceeded to set up “fake” profiles to check out the competition to improve her own profile.
End of story- it worked and she is now married to someone she met online!

I think it is interesting to note that the original dating websites algorithm’s were not actually failing but were doing exactly what they were designed to do. It was just the problem that Webb’s profile contained the wrong type information etc.

Amy Webb. (2013). How I hacked online dating. [Online Video]. 01 April. Available from: https://www.ted.com/talks/amy_webb_how_i_hacked_online_dating. [Accessed: 19 October 2014].

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