All of my reflective posts and updates on all of my projects

Author Lauma Vitola

The Queen Photoshoot

This is a collective of images I have edited from the Queen test shoot on wedensday. From this point forward I will use the images to develop a story board for the film to plan out the scenes and shots… Continue Reading →

Behind The Scenes

On Wednesday I did my first two Test shoots in the Performance studio. The shoots include the Queen and the Seduction films. On wednesday I also had my two first year assistants join me, Berlinda and Megan. I setting up… Continue Reading →

Domain Purchase

In the process of updating my online portfolio, I have taken the opportunity to get on board with the wix 50% discount and decided to purchase my own domain name. My domain is now I decided to purchase a… Continue Reading →

Testing floor layouts and Props

Today I have been testing the different prop layouts and how everything matches together. The video below gives a brief overview of my ideas and camera work for “The Queen” films. In this I have looked at the contrast between… Continue Reading →

Shoot Planning

Today I have been organising the locations for photoshoots for now and after easter. I had organised a space in a pub which I could flexibly use however after speaking to Richard in the photography department, the university do not… Continue Reading →

Styling Planning

Today and I have been planning the styling for the films, in which I have been organising what outfit needs to go for each fo the films. I ahve also invested in some coloured sunglasses which I will use in… Continue Reading →

Colour strategy applied to film series

In this, I have summarised my colour strategy for the Final major project’s film series. I have visualised the colour flow and links between all three films, this summarises how the colours are considered from the background choice to the… Continue Reading →

Studio Planning

In the past week I have been breaking down the remaining time of the final major project. In this, I have broken down the time we have left until the easter holidays for which I have been looking into access… Continue Reading →

Outfit Making

In order to test the Fortie Label looks for the photoshoots, I have decided to recreate some of their looksa in order to test the clothing compatibility with the intended image, setting and concept. In this, I have recreated two… Continue Reading →

Kaveh Golestan

For this project I had also gone to see the works of Kaveh Golestan who is an Iranian born photographer. Golestan  explores the difficulty of society surrounding wars and sex work. In particularly, I am exploring his intimate photo series… Continue Reading →

Martin Parr

For this project I have gone to see the works of Martin Parr which are exhibited at the Tate Britain. Martin Parr is a British born documentary Photographer who maintains a unique perspective of the world. Parr is mostly known for… Continue Reading →

Tequila Film Breakdown

In the research of Nadia Lee Cohen, I have broken down her film Tequila. In this I have screen captured the scenes to understand the balance between the different shots, setting and storyboard. In this I have hihglighted when tensions… Continue Reading →

Nadia Lee Cohen

Nadia Lee Cohen Nadia Lee Cohen is a British fine art Photographer, Filmmaker and self-portrait artist. Cohen’s work is highly inspired by the 50’s, 60’s and the 70’s eras through the lens of Americana cinema. The works all display her… Continue Reading →

The 40 elephants

In my reasearch of the key chosen brand Fortie Label, I have discovered that the brand was influenced by the 1800s girl gang 40 Elephants. In an interview, Essie Buckman had spoken about how the brand was influenced by the… Continue Reading →

Online Presence

This week we have discussed the different online platforms that we use and how we use them. Discussing many platforms reaching from bebo to Google+ allowed us all to see as a group how we have moved with the technology,… Continue Reading →

Spaghetti Experimental

Following a tutorial with Martha, I was advised to develop short advertorial films to test ideas and visuals. I responded to this by developing a short advertorial film called Moms Spaghetti. In this, I have showed the key product which… Continue Reading →

Portfolio Review

In our first session of the portoflio module, we met as a class adn brought in various images we had done. In this we discussed possible ways to lay them out and our online presence. In this session I had… Continue Reading →

Proposal Emails

In the process of targetting adn contacting brands to propose a collaborative project, I must ensure to make contact in a capturing way. A simple email can go a long way but considering that I am proposing a creative project… Continue Reading →

Jessie McEwan – Second Brand Analysis

Jessie McEwan is a graduate from Northumbria University, As a new graduate she has the need to develop her brand further and make it into a business. I was attracted to this brand because the clothing, it is strong in… Continue Reading →

Fortie Label- First brand analysis

In this part of the project I have narrowed it down to two brands that I would liek to appraoch, one of which is Fortie Label. Fortie Label was founded by CSM graduate Essie Buckman who won awards through fashion… Continue Reading →

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