
Skateboarding and me 

My love for skating was initiated when I was about 11 years old. I was walking by a local skatepark with my mum and I remember seeing skaters near enough take flight and was drawn in immediately, a week later my mum got me first board from Argos. Since then I’ve developed into an intermediate level skateboarder with a pretty big ‘bag of tricks’ meaning that I have a vast variety of tricks that I can do.

In this blog I will display 3 of my favourite tricks that I can land consistently and try to break them down for you guys in a Vlog format for each post/trick. After each Vlog ill make sure to write a more detailed description under each video just in case you guys don’t understand to well, as a couple of these tricks are hard to get your head around especially if you don’t skate yourself.

I hope through this blog I can really express my passion and love for the amazing and unique sport of skateboarding.





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