Fashion Communication Student

Moving Image

This is the moving image sequence that I filmed, produced and edited. It was filmed at the Day of the Dead event at Patterns – each of us recorded the night using a different medium. Having never done film before, it was new and exciting but also challenging. It was also important that the music…

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Project Planning

At the beginning of the project, I created a plan so we all knew what roles we were undertaking. Here is the original plan, compared to what actually happened. PLAN – Original-1n2545w PLAN – What happened-23ch1xv  


Below is the link of the final magazine: FINAL MAGAZINE

Culturas de los Muertos – Make-up Designs

The shoot is looking at how different cultures can influence Day of the Dead make-up. This follows on nicely from cultural appropriation aspect of the main article. I decided to look at influences from Africa (tribal), India, Hispanic (traditional) and Egyptian. Below are my make-up designs:

Golden Hour – My Photography

During the Golden Hour shoot, I was taking the behind-the-scenes photos. I also practised my own photography, using basic settings on the digital camera. A couple of my own photos may also be features in the magazine.

Golden Hour – Behind the Scenes

We recently did the Golden Hour photoshoot. As well as leading the art direction, I also took some behind-the scenes photos:

Model Making

We had a model-making workshop to practice our model-making skills, using foam board and pins. I created a mood board beforehand to act as my inspiration. I liked the idea of having our space made out of glass so it was transparent, enabling the viewer to see outside into the Autumn atmosphere. I therefore incorporated…

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