Fashion Communication Student

Diversity NOW! – Evaluation

Diversity NOW! is a live competition aimed for creatives to lead the way and expand the future of fashion beyond stereotypes and boundaries of beauty and the body, such as age, size, gender, race, physical ability. My task was to design a poster, film, editorial narrative or write an article on any aspect of diversity…

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Final Poster

Below is my final poster for the competition. The circles, inspired from the information is beautiful image, not only make out a woman’s figure but also the scattered-ness signifies how careless people are being labelled by chance. I have now added numbers and letters to them, to act as labels. I experimented with having an…

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Information is Beautiful

I started to look at how the numbers and letters on labels can be interpreted as data. Therefore, I explored different ways of displaying data in visually exciting ways. I found the book ‘Information is Beautiful’ particularly inspiring as used one of their ideas as inspiration for my final poster. Below you can see what…

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Digital Collage

Using the images from the labels test shoot and some sourced from the internet, I created a digital collage. The labels, which show only size 12, 14 and 16, relate to the image of the high street stores because of the ambiguity of these sizes in regards to ‘plus-size’. I also used an image of…

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Labels Test Shoot

After experimenting with collage, investigating different ares of diversity such as race and religion, I noticed a theme that I kept coming back to – body image. I wanted to challenge the idea of plus size: The average UK womens’ size is size 16; however, plus-size models are considered those size 10/12+, whereas plus-size clothing…

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Diversity NOW!

For our next project, we have been set to enter a competition called Diversity NOW! Our task is to design a poster, film, editorial narrative or write an article on any aspect of diversity and fashion. I started out by creating the mood board below, researching what the word ‘diversity’ could cover. diversity moodboard-schmdd

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