The Tunisian Revolution: a subjective narrative

Dr Dora Carpenter-Latiri has been senior lecturer at the University of Brighton since 1997 where she teaches literature. She was born in Tunisia, and has lived and studied in Paris.  Her publications deal with language, literature and art.  She is also a photographer.

‘The Tunisian Revolution, a subjective narrative’

In summer 2011, shortly after the Tunisian Revolution I started writing a literary piece which was published in January 2013 (Tunis, Paris: Elyzad). The French title is ‘Un amour de tn. Carnet photographique d’un retour au pays natal après la Révolution.’ and my English working title is ‘tn in love. Photographic notebook of a return to the native land after the Revolution.’
The text can be described as a travel narrative in post-revolution Tunisia; it is also autobiographical and comes as a collection of fragments with photos. I will be talking about the writing process and relate it to the Revolution in progress focusing more specifically on gender, minorities, and the marginalised.

Organised by the Centre for Research in Memory, Narrative and Histories

Wednesday 6th November, 5:30-7pm
M2 Boardroom, Grand Parade campus

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