March 11

Sci-fi genre

The Science fiction genre has developed a lot over time with more and more iconography distinguishing it from other genres. When we think of Sci-fi futuristic technology, spacecraft, dystopian/utopian societies often come to mind in a palette of greens, greys and whites.

Sci-fi movies often follow a hero narrative through a character arc as they try to right an evil. The sci-fi genre was originally quite a male demographic but, the increase in female leads in a sci-fi role has helped gained followings from women of all ages and is now one of the most popular genres as it takes fantasy to another level.

The Science fiction genre is also more prone to having a cult-like following due to their alternate realities, world building and in-depth characters.

Sci-fi is often a reflection of society and the ways in which we could end up if things keep changing as they are or if technology develops. Sci-fi often switches genres with elements of romance, comedy and more recently western with the HBO show Westworld. Because of this nature the Sci-fi genre is always changing and adapting in new ways.

March 11

Film on Film

For the film on film project, I decided to construct a film made up of all the opening sequences from movies. I thought that putting different movies together could showcase different film techniques such as CGI, graphics, framing and colour grading; all things that have been developed over time through the history of film. To then develop that idea I used scenes from only movies that I’d seen and shot them in a home video style. I made this because I felt like you could tell everything from a film from the first shots like genre, aesthetic, budget and style.  I feel like this went well and that I made something very reflective, however, I feel like if I was to do it again I’d use the original clips cut together moving through different movie themes like family, work and love.

Task 4

March 4

Introducing a character


I found this task pretty easy to do once I started it, the hardest part of writing I find is actually starting. My previous knowledge of screenwriting I had accumulated from a series of youtube videos which are useful but don’t provide too much detail on where to begin. Looking at other screenplays helped me to understand the breakdown of a script and the many ways to introduce a character, they also helped me to figure out how to translate the pacing of a screenplay to screen. I feel as though my scene-setting and character descriptions were very strong and took up the majority of my writing. I didn’t, however, include many shot descriptions for how everything would be seen on camera. I think this is because it takes me out of the writing process and therefore is something I’d definitely have to work on in the future.