It is important for teachers and support staff to use the correct terminology and language associated with computing, to help pupils increase their knowledge and understanding of digital literacy. Here is a list of key terminology.

Abstraction – The removal of any unwanted or unnecessary information.

Algorithm – A set of rules/instructions to be completed to solve a problem.

Coding – A set of rules/instructions that tell a program what to do

Computational Thinking – A thought process that will solve problems through abstraction, creating algorithms and breaking down problems into smaller pieces.

Debugging – Removing any errors from a program.

Decomposition – Breaking down a problem into smaller parts to make it more manageable.

Digital device – A physical system that represents data in binary format (0 and 1).

Hardware – The physical parts of computing systems.

Input device – A device that sends information to a computer to complete a specific action. (e.g. a mouse)

Logical reasoning – The idea of applying knowledge and understanding to predict outcomes.

Output device – A device that recieves information from a computer to complete a specific action (e.g. a printer).

Physical device – A device that has an input/output.

Repetition – Performing a specific action repeatedly.

Sequencing – The order in which an action or event occurs.

Software – The programs or operating systems used by computers.

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