Posts Tagged ‘Womens March’

Ready For Action

Okay.. so I am feeling a lot better about this project than I was during my crisis last week I had a tutorial which REALLY helped, I think sometimes it’s just good to have someone to either say yes or no and just kind of steer you in a direction that either you haven’t thought about or just confirm what you’re thinking is right.

So what I have taken from my tutorial was to not worry about this magazine and potentially do a more editorial, I loveeeeeee illustrations like that’s my jam that’s what I want my outcome to be for this brief but I think I created 3 things I wanted/needed to do for this project (illustrations, magazine, womens march) and I was just looking for ways to bridge them together and link them and I just needed to take a complete step back. I think trying to make these links were 100% what was stopping me.

Well hopefully I’ll see what happens when I start illustrating my final outcomes, I’ve been looking at Francesca Pageo and her stuff is SO GOD DAMN DREAMY, she deffo holds a lot of my inspiration, now it’s just trying to get that inspiration on paper.

I’m also not dwelling too much on the Women’s Marches, like something has to give for me to stop being so scared of this blank piece of paper and just start doing yanno, I know I’ll find a way to link and convey the message I want and to be honest I bet it’ll end up being subconscious anyway!

I’m just so glad that I feel more positive about this and ready to go forward, oh AND I’m going to another cheeky photography exhibition.

I know right I’m crazy.

Stuck In A Rut

I literally have no idea.

I feel I just don’t have any direction in this project right now, I can’t see past the outcome of a magazine and because I can’t get past this, I just keep trying to look too deep into it trying to literally link this magazine I’m gonna create with the Womens March.

I’m stuck in a rut, and I can’t get my head out of it.

I know that I’m focusing too hard on linking them and I need to take a step back, BUT I JUST CAN’T OKAY.

I have a tutorial coming up and oh boy I need it, I just need validation and reassurance that I can link these together even loosely.

The thing with art is as long as you can justify why you’ve done it and have a reasonable argument to what/why/how it links and can show/discuss then you can link most things within reason.

I just can’t see a connection, to me I feel I have two projects running parallel a research into the Womens March and a creative project of a magazine.

I dunno, I’m sure I’ll see the light.

If This Is Where I Start, Then How Do I Start?

So Feminism, as we already discussed (or rather didn’t discuss) is pretty broad and because it’s so damn broad and I have 3 weeks (lol not stressing at all), I’m gonna focus on the Women’s March and the Marches that have taken place recently.

Reasonable place to start? I think so too.

So where do I start? Maybe at the beginning?

Well let me tell you that the first recorded Womens March was in Versailles in 1789 during the French Revolution, women been fighting for dem rights for some centuries. I feel all their views however were aligned with one goal.

So Women’s Marches aren’t this new thing that was created around the fact Donald Trump is an awful awful man, but they’ve been helping women fight for their rights for a long ass time.

So how can I relate Women’s Marches to art? Or portray such emotion and  an expression of women fighting for their rights and what they believe in, that I haven’t conquered yet. I am however going to try and conjure up some inspiration by a couple of exhibitions that have caught my eye, more on that one later.

I did also in a complete moment of  spontaneity go and see the Gregory Crewdson exhibition, I KNOW HOW BOLD, and what relevance does this hold I hear you say? Surprisingly quite a bit actually, I found the way he curated his photographs mesmerising and gave me food for thought with once I get started how I can put together my imagery.

I feel Womens Marches are very much an expression, like art in themselves really not just the signs of protest and the beautiful imagery/messages these signs hold but the actual act of them marching together.