Portfolio Reflection

I’ve tried to keep a consistent brand identity throughout my portfolio, website, instagram and business cards. I wanted coherent designs that would be recognisable as my designs, with my final project I also tried to keep a similar design theme so it would be noticeable while still relating to my most recent project. 

The issues I had throughout this project were all with printing, the unpredictable nature of print compared to digital is unfortunately you never know how it’s going to look unless it’s physically in front of you printed. This is what brought the majority of the problems with my work. 

With my business cards I’m really happy with my final prints however the original copies were unfortunately too light therefore basically illegible, the card and soft touch paper changes the way the ink appears and is printed. This usually isn’t taken into consideration when you’re ordering online as you do the proofing and if you’ve never printed on that style/paper before you’re going into it quite blind. 

I’m really pleased with how my final business cards turned out as I feel they follow my aesthetic and have a concise simple design on the back which includes the important information. It’s also legible which is a major plus! 

Similar to my business cards I had a massive issue with the printing and delivery of my portfolio which unlike the Business cards unfortunately wasn’t able to be rectified in time for the deadline. This really upset me as I’d left myself what I bought was enough time for a contingency plan if anything went wrong with the printing. How wrong was I! 

The printing for my illustrations looks really good and I’m really pleased with the impact it gives however the photography is just absolutely horrendous, the yellows take over the photographs with the rest of the photograph being completely over exposed and loosing all detail. 

Unfortunately due to a issue with the delivery they arrived late and aren’t able to be rectified and reprinted until the Wednesday after my deadline which is frustrating but there’s nothing more I can do.

The front page of my portfolio is absolutely ridiculous as well, you can BARELY read any of the writing and the pink background has been printed EXTREMELY light. When talking to customer services at newspaper club they apologised and admitted to there being faults on their part with the printing not my files. 

I’m reasonably pleased with my website as I feel the minimalist feel is very much my aesthetic, however I do wish I had a more developed website due to financial reasons however I went with a free template that I edited and changed myself. In the future I want to build on this and develop my website paying to get a personal theme design specifically for me. 

With my instagram with t being quite fresh and new I need to build a bigger following which I plan to do with sponsored posts and Facebook advertising. I’m pleased with the aesthetic and design I went for as I feel I utilise the grid layout and make it my own. I want to continue posting with hashtags to build a stronger presence. Using the Instagram business tool it already allows me to see the interactions and follow the engagement, allowing me to make improvements and continue doing what works well. 

Overall I’m pleased with the majority of this project, unfortunately I’m quite disappointed with my final outcome for my portfolio as I feel this was the most important element and it doesn’t do my work credit or promote me in a good light. Other than that I think I have a strong brand identity with a simple minimalist aesthetic alongside my bold illustrations.  

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