Final Outcomeeeeeeeeee

I’m really struggling with what kind of thing I’m going to do for my final outcome, I’ve looked at various different artists like Molly Soda, Petra Collins contrasted with Ayana V Jackson Zanele Muholi to try and get some inspiration as well as going to V&A, National Portrait Gallery and Serpentine Gallery to expand my research and look at completely different artists to my project and artist research.


The thing I’m worried about most is just what I’m gonna produce because I know it’s about quality not quantity but I feel I can’t just have a couple of printed out illustrations I need something bigger, a more solid piece of work.

Looking into presented work, especially looking the curation of Ian Cheng’s Emissaries I like simplistic minimalist presentation, I’m a sucker for a white frame and clean finish. I have looked into potentially printing in a magazine style with different types of binding, depending on the amount of pages I’ve looked at either a stab stitch bind, perfect bind and saddle stitch.

I have however been thinking about if I would want it printed as a magazine as I want my outcome to be more visual. I know that by making it visual I may lose part of my rationale and what I’m trying to portray to the viewer. However due to it being about the Female Gaze, I want it evoke thoughts and emotions which the viewer has come to on their own.

I don’t want to inform them of the Female Gaze and opinions that are already circulating with articles, I want them to interpret it for themselves.

I do think I need some writing though otherwise it’s going to make no sense, especially if it’s all visual.

I’m gonna look more into different printing techniques I’m just getting really stuck on how I’m going to present my work, I’ve not had an epiphany yet unfortunately.

I do want to have more than just a book for my final exhibition, so I’ve been thinking about framing a couple of images in addition to the book/magazine/zine whatever I end up deciding.

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