It’s Shoot Time

Well the time has come, it’s shoot time.

I think I’m gonna do three shoots, from all my research I’ve come up with three themes.

Are you ready?

We’ve got a bedroom situation going in one, I’m going to add in the addition of a flower or multiple flowers. I want this to reinforce the femininity of the photographs. I want to have an array of photographs of various areas of the body that are deemed sexually arousing/erotic and take a natural photo showing their unfemininity if you will. The hair, the stretchmarks, the skin tags, the rolls of fat, the things deemed most unsightly. I want this photoshoot to have an ethereal almost feel to it.

For all of my photoshoots I’m going to use natural lighting, I want it to feel natural and personal.

The second I’m feeling water, also an inclusion of flowers in this one. Creating an opaque water to only show parts of the body that are protruding out. This should hopefully emphasise the figure, drawing attention to certain areas of the body. I’m hoping the water and light will reflect giving me a really nice effect across the body.

For my final idea, I thought of something quitter (quite literally) stretchmarks with my liquid copper leaf, painting over the mark on the skin leaving a beautiful copper shimmer. I want to do this to convey the message that imperfections are to be celebrated and that they are beautiful. It will be on selective parts of the body, having a zoomed in aesthetic.

I’m hoping these all work out well as I want to show a variation through the photography for my final project, so fingers crossed!

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