The Final Countdown

Oh god oh god oh god.

I hate when deadlines get this close, even though I don’t necessarily feel THAT worried, it’s just you know it’s coming so no matter you’re gonna worry!

I’m feeling better about my magazine, I haven’t quite done the final layout and formatting but that is all to come! Especially because I’ve booked in a printing slot so I feel I have something pressing and definite to work towards.

My sketchbook I think I’m gonna do one more look over, make sure everythings good decide if I feel I need to add more but at this stage I don’t quite know what else I could add! But hopefully if that’s good I’ll get printed in the next couple of days!

Everything is looking up.

The only thing I haven’t really thought much about is my statement of intent, obviously I’ve done all the research and things and I’ve been writing my dissertation so I am very much still thinking about it. I just haven’t quite knuckled down and got anything on paper. I guess as well it’s not set in stone so if I’m unsure I do have room to change it, I just lose the time over Christmas to research.


Ahhhh it’ll all work itself out I’m sure, I refuse to stress about this when my magazine a few weeks ago was nothing more than a distant anxious thought yet here we are, at the final countdown!!!!

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