The End Is Near

The deadline is coming and it’s coming quick, I’m feeling kind of alright about it which is surprising!

Brief 2 I’m feeling pretty happy with, sticking to what I know and using my dissertation as the foundation I’m really interested in Playboy anyway and I think I’m going to thoroughly enjoy being able to visualise this and go even deeper into the research.

For Brief 1, I am feeling alright I just feel I need more research but then I don’t want it to look like I’ve just crammed a load of random names in yanno. Everything I’ve looked at so far I’ve found to be relevant and has helped my project, even artists like Cornelia Parker who appears to have no relevance I found her work to be so useful in the way she makes things appear in a different way to what they necessarily are.

I’m feeling good with some of my experimentation as well, but I am still struggling with the magazine, I just don’t know what angle to take; should I go editorial, am I narrowing myself down too much doing illustrations, will the illustrations work in a magazine, do I do articles or just go visual, how to represent feminism and women’s marches, is this going to show my research.

These are all unanswered questions and I don’t have time for unanswered questions!

I think I’ve really struggled visualising this magazine and creating it, I’ve essentially finished the second brief yet I’m still struggling with the first which was meant to be finished two weeks ago!

I know that these questions are only going to be answered once I start putting my experimentation into action and actually start making final illustrations, I’m going to create ones I don’t like, I’m going to have to go through a process of eliminating the flaws and working through to produce something that does work and I’m proud of.

We will see anyway, the end is near something has to happen soon so we will find out!

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