I really wanted to experiment more with the idea of automatic writing in both English and French. In last weeks tutorial, Chris suggested to mix these together as I was explaining that sometimes I will speak ‘Franglais’. I obviously love this idea as this is how my brain ‘actually works’ and wanted to play with this concept. I was really inspired by a zine by Kyndacee called ‘Like You Know Anything’ (see last post) where she scanned in pages of her handwriting and created different layouts and interesting imagery. As I mentioned this zine is a really cool influence that I stumbled upon which this whole concept of using words as visual is something I had been pondering over.

So initially I wanted to create a zine, and I started experimenting with this, however, as I was working on this, I decided to turn it into a gif because I liked the idea of layering the scans of my poems/writing but didn’t want to cover up the hiding and completely conceal the content. So I liked this quick experiment/test of using a gif to show the whole piece, but only quickly and then concealing them by layering a new piece on top.

I am really happy with this test as I think it was a good, stripped down way of playing with my concept of hiding and concealing by using different language and franglais to almost make incomprehensible sentences. I think this idea personifies the way I feel about my cultural identity and the way i am not half one, half the other, I suppose I am a completely marbled mix of the two.