YouTube Can Be An Essential Marketing Tool For Your Small Business


If you’re business is not on YouTube, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful marketing platforms out there. This blog will identify why this is a vital marketing channel and offer a guide to using YouTube effectively for your small business.

The facts

  • YouTube is the world’s largest video sharing site, in the recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of professional videos uploaded.
  • YouTube has over 1 billion users every single day and has been rated the third most visited website in the world.
    (Team, 2015)

So why is it so important?

Like other social media channels, YouTube enables people around the world to interact, share and create content through online communities (Miller, 2009).

Due to the popularity and features it offers, YouTube is widely used as a marketing channel for business. YouTube is used to launch or promote products or even express a brand’s personality. It is a success because it can monitor feedback and provide customer service through word of mouth (Howard, Mangold and Johnston, 2014).

How YouTube works

YouTube provides a simple way for people to store videos online and share them with others. Statistics show YouTube has the second largest search engine in the world(, 2015). This is behind Google, this means people are searching for information through YouTube and discover videos that relate to the specific topic (Gallo, 2008).

The YouTube analytics Provides data about each video you upload, so you can easily track how many views it gets, where people are coming from to find it and what type of people are watching it (Bain and Bain, 2013).

You can set up a YouTube channel for your business, this brings all of your videos together. Therefore you can customise your channel to reflect the correct company image. Your channel will have a URL that you can promote on your website or marketing material. As a result people can subscribe to your channel.

YouTube incorporates features that let businesses promote their videos to people who might be interested in them, targeting customers by demographics, topics or interests. Advertisers pay each time someone views their video. You can choose which locations your ad will appear in and what format it will be (Simply Business, 2015). YouTube’s advertising guide shows how it all works. Small businesses could do well to understand some of the many benefits of using YouTube in their Inbound Marketing Campaign

So what Does YouTube Do for a company?

#1 Builds brand awareness

Academics have discovered that YouTube videos have a lasting effect on an audience in comparison to traditional marketing methods(Ammerman, 2015). Research has discovered YouTube adverts are seen as less intrusive to other advertisements because the audience specifically chooses to watch them. YouTube videos can create brand awareness instantly because of the viral advantage it has to offer(Akyol, 2013).

Blend, manufacturer of blenders uses homemade video to build a brand and increase market share. Their first YouTube video was shot containing low production values and was seen over 5 million times within 30 days. The company found a direct link between the YouTube video and an increase of brand awareness.






Reminder: Creating brand awareness through YouTube does not have to be expensive.


#2 Demonstrates products

This type of marketing channel actively shows the audience the product in action; useful for companies with limited physical distribution channels (Dorenda-Zaborowicz, 2012). For example; those who mostly sell over the internet. The goal of a demonstration is to introduce customers to the product in hopes of getting them to purchase that item.

White Teeth Global is a company dedicated to providing teeth whitening solutions for people to use in the comfort of their own homes. This kind of product needs proof of a successful outcome to increase sales and awareness. This small company does not have the resources time or money to put into TV ads, however their Tutorial adverts led traffic to their site and they had the biggest number of sales in 2014 as an outcome.

Reminder: It is hard to track the outcome of  a YouTube video so prepare for huge success and demand (or nothing at all!).


#3 YouTube can be used as part of promotional campaigns

YouTube can be a cost effective way to enhance campaigns and be used to reach to different markets that are not being discovered through their current marketing channels(Heckadon, 2013.).


Coca-Cola is currently using its channel to promote a special campaign called “Unlock the Secret Formula.” During the YouTube video a Coca-Cola bottle icon appears. When clicked, it takes users to its Facebook Page or website to continue the promotion. By distributing YouTube videos on other popular media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, your business exposure can instantly increase exponentially.



#4 Provide helpful information targeted to the interests of consumers.

YouTube can be used  as a format to present information to an audience on. As a result this can attract attention and enter new markets whilst engaging existing customers (Rich, 2015).


Fashion retailer, French connection named its stylish channel “Youtique.” There are videos that discuss fashion trends, fashion tips, as well as its television commercials. The design of the channel incorporates links to its online store, Twitter, Facebook, email newsletter and blog. Why not have a look for yourself?



Reminder: Incorporate custom graphics to enhance branding.

#5 World-Wide Accessibility

YouTube is an international sensation because it reaches countries around the Globe! It is accessible anywhere, on differing devices, such as PCs, mobiles and tablets. The level of availability exposes potential for a business video as it provides a tool available on a 24/7 basis each day (Carvill and Taylor, n.d.).



#6 High Traffic Volumes

It has been discovered that over 60 million unique visitors each month are accessing YouTube (Youtube, 2015). This provides an effective opportunity for a business message to reach millions of people; that have the potential of becoming prospective customers. This cost effective strategy has the capability of reaching a higher audience than television(Barnes and Hair, 2012).




 Lets recap on YouTube videos:

  • Drive traffic to websites and additional channels to increase sales
  • Produce excellent search results
  • Provide a much more accessible medium for accessing your customer base
  • Build relationship through creative content
  • Establishes a company’s expertise and brands your business’ unique personality.


People are actually spending more time on YouTube in comparison to other social media sites. This popularity indicates a higher chance of your business marketing being discovered. Thus giving the company an increased chance of new customers and therefore new sales.


(Search, Social News Page Traffic Buzz, 2015)

With all this INFO lets apply it to your business!

Tips for using YouTube in your business

#1 Encourage video sharing

Millions of YouTube videos are shared through social media. Although extreme, if you encourage sharing tactics is can even go viral; being shared rapidly around the world (Why do things go viral on YouTube?, 2015).

Do you want to make your business video go viral?

Relevant Source: What does it take to create a viral video?

Example of viral video: Kony 2012 gone Viral!

Due to all kinds of people around the world sharing this video and encouraging other to share this through social media it became the most viral YouTube video in 2012. With over 100 million views in one day six days this has gone down in history. Why not see for yourself.


#2 Track your YouTube results

If you include a call to action in your YouTube videos, you can track the impact of each video. For example, you could include a promotional code that people need to use at the point of sale to get a discount, then track how many people use the code. You can also use internet analytics tools to see how much of your website’s traffic is coming from YouTube (Sponder, 2012).

#3 Promote your customers

A video of someone talking about your business or succeeding with your product can be much more powerful than a written testimonial. For example; a client demonstrating the effects after they have bought into a product or brand. Such as weight loss products.

Example: 3D Lashes


#4 Integrate with other marketing

YouTube allows you to embed videos on your website, so that your website can provide advice, tours or useful interviews for the viewing customer.


Now lets consider the limitations of a business using YouTube videos.

#1 No purpose

Many videos on YouTube can only make a fractional difference to a company’s return if the video uploaded does not have a purpose related to the business. These purposes could be encouraging customers to buy a product. It might even be building an emotional connection with your brand. However If you post videos without a clear goal in mind you risk sending inconsistent messages about your brand or confusing people (Dorenda-Zaborowicz, 2012).

#2 Going Terminal instead of going Viral

The  majority of videos on YouTube will never attract more than 100 views, and some will sink without a trace(Gallo, 2008). Keep your videos tight and interesting!

#3 Negative advertising

YouTube run advertisements on your videos which can hurt your brand, by pushing your potential clients away from your service (Crowell, 2011). There’s currently no guarantee a competitor won’t advertise their brand on your video.

#4 Account shutdown and video removal

YouTube can shut down your account at any time, for any reason or remove your video (, 2015).

#5  Expense required

Creative videos can be time consuming and required experience and skill (Tuten and Solomon, 2013). If you can’t produce professional content, hiring a professional video company can be very expensive.

Let’s just conclude:

YouTube can be an excellent marketing channel for a business because of wide market it can reach and the creative niche it offers. Although the chances of the viral affect are very slim! So be sure to integrate this element with your other strategies. Remember to be careful about the message you are trying to portray with your YouTube channel!

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Akyol, Ş. (2013). Social Media and Marketing: Viral Marketing. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.

Ammerman, S. (2015). Social Media Campaign Fuels Brand Awareness. Nonprofit Communications Report, 13(5), pp.7-7.

Bain, N. and Bain, N. (2013). YouTube for Business: What works best. – Supernova Media. [online] Supernova Media. Available at: [Accessed 2 Apr. 2015].

Barnes, S. and Hair, N. (2009). From banners to YouTube: using the rearview mirror to look at the future of internet advertising. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 5(3), p.223.

Carvill, M. and Taylor, D. (n.d.). The business of being social.

Crowell, G. (2011). The Pros and Cons of YouTube Embedded Video for Your Business Website. [online] ReelSEO. Available at: [Accessed 2 Apr. 2015].

Dorenda-Zaborowicz, M. (2012). Marketing w social media. Nowe Media, 0(3), p.59.

Dorenda-Zaborowicz, M. (2012). Marketing w social media. Nowe Media, 0(3), p.59.

Gallo, C. (2008). Making YouTube Work for Your Business. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Apr. 2015].

Heckadon, D. (n.d.). Critical Success Factors for Creating and Implementing Effective Social Media Marketing Campaigns. SSRN Journal.

Howard, D., Mangold, W. and Johnston, T. (2014). Managing your social campaign strategy using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube & Pinterest: An interview with Dana Howard, social media marketing manager. Business Horizons, 57(5), pp.657-665.

Miller, M. (2009). YouTube for business. Indianapolis, Ind.: Que.

Rich, J. (n.d.). Ultimate guide to YouTube for business.

Search, Social News PageTraffic Buzz, (2015). YouTube Overtakes All Other Social Media Platforms in Post Click Engagement! – Search, Social News PageTraffic Buzz. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Apr. 2015].

Simply Business, (2015). The Small Business Guide To YouTube. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Apr. 2015]., (2015). Using YouTube for business: an introduction | Smarta. [online] Available at:[Accessed 2 Apr. 2015].

Sponder, M. (2012). Social media analytics. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Team, G. (2015). 8 Massive Benefits of Using YouTube For Business – Grow. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Apr. 2015].

Tuten, T. and Solomon, M. (2013). Social media marketing. Boston: Pearson.

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