October 12th 2017 #Inktober Day 12 – Tattoo
My tattoo design for #inktober.
I spent far longer deciding what to draw today than the actual drawing. I don’t have a tattoo and was thinking about what I would get if I was really going to go for it. So for those really, interested, here’s the one I want!
Fabulous selection of Inktober drawings Katie!
Where are the words coming from are you set them as part of the challenge? Looking forward to the one for Friday 13th
Thanks Anne. The words are from our organiser for the Brighton version: https://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/inktober/help-i-dont-know-what-to-draw/ all very Brighton themed!
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October 12th 2017 #Inktober Day 12 – Tattoo
Mehmet Karahanlı on October 12th 2017 #Inktober Day 12 – Tattoo agario
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What is Lymphoma Cancer Rash ? This term refers to the skin irritation associated with several different subtypes of lymphoma. Often confused with conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or dermatitis, lymphoma rashes are characterized by their itchy, red, dry, and occasionally scaly appearance. The early detection of these types of lymphomas is critical, as it significantly improves the success rate of treatments.
Cáncer de pulmón tratamiento : Cáncer de pulmón tratamiento ha evolucionado significativamente en los últimos años, trayendo nuevas esperanzas a los pacientes. Enfoques tradicionales como la cirugía, quimioterapia y radioterapia continúan siendo el pilar del tratamiento, especialmente para el cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas (CPCNP). Sin embargo, los avances en terapias dirigidas e inmunoterapia han abierto nuevas vías.
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Linfoma representa um grupo de cancros do sangue que têm origem no sistema linfático, uma parte crucial do sistema imunitário do corpo. A doença divide-se principalmente em duas categorias, o linfoma de Hodgkin e o linfoma não-Hodgkin.
Lymphome désigne un type de cancer du système lymphatique, qui fait partie du système immunitaire du corps. Il existe plusieurs types de lymphomes, dont les plus courants sont le lymphome de Hodgkin et le lymphome non-Hodgkinien. Ces cancers se caractérisent par une prolifération anormale de lymphocytes, un type de globules blancs.
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