Final Project



‘12.8 million Working days lost due to work related stress, depression or anxiety.’ In the UK each year.


Work related stress is a real problem in the 21st century, this sparked the development of a product to combat the issue. This project focused on improving the working environment for the stressed employee to help reduce work related stress.

S-D-1: Smart Desk 1 was the result of extensive research and testing. 90% of participants from primary research agreed that the working environment has a direct impact on their stress levels.

Products Vision Statement based on primary research

Technology Brief

  1. The product must give the user more control over their physical environment
  2. The product must provide personal lighting between the ranges of 0-500 Lux
  3. The product must incorporate red, green and blue colour modes to improve its emotional experience
  4. The product must feature class 40 sound proofing
  5. The product must create a more efficient working environment


The desk combined with the desktop interface allows for custom environmental controls and is designed to create a positive working environment, backed with psychological research for full effect. The desk utilises state of the art technology, that would be marketed at affluent tech companies who care for their employees wellness.


Final renders

The desk itself comes with a lighting and heating system, designed to give the user more control over their personal environment. This was determined through research as an effective way of reducing stress in the work place. The desks environmental features can be controlled through the use of the desktop interface (see images below) utilising PWM to allow for added control (the technology that allows lights to be dimmed and temperature adjusted).

The desk also comes with built in sound proofing (class 40)  which semi encloses the user to help shield employees from distractions in an open plan office. The desk semi encloses the user to create an environment where employees can communicate whilst having a relaxing yet exciting private corner of their own.

Home Screen

Environmental controls

Environmental controls

Task Organiser

The User interface for the desk comes in the form of a background desktop application (an interactive screen saver)  which gives you customisation of your background as well as control over your tasks and personal environment.

The Home screen is very plain other than the page select interface, This can be customised to any background image that the user desires. It is very simple as not to distract the user whilst they are not using it.

The environmental control screen, does as it says and provides the user with environmental controls, being heat and lighting. With the use of pulse width modulation the lights can be dimmed and the heating can range from 0(fan) to on 750 Watt heater.

Finally the task Screen is designed to help users manage their daily tasks and promote collaboration. This page was designed using Self determination theory – the psychological theory for self motivation which not only causes motivation as a preventative measure agains stress; it has also be proven to improve personal wellness.

Manufacture Drawings


Estimated cost per unit £1200

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