[:en]E-mailing Dr. Carmen Hijosa[:]

[:en]I decided to e-mail Carmen Hijosa, the founder of Piñatex as I wanted to ask her some questions about her practises and why she believes sustainability is so important. Unfortunately she is currently busy and was unable to answer any of my questions; however, she did say that she like my idea to collaborate Piñatex with Dr.Martens. This is encouraging as it means that this is a valid idea that can be successful for both brands in the future. Carmen also said that they were going to make their own collection next year and to keep in touch which all sounds exciting. I am really glad that she likes my idea and even though she couldn’t answer my questions at least she’s given me the thumbs up for my idea.


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2 thoughts on “[:en]E-mailing Dr. Carmen Hijosa[:]

  1. Bonjour
    je suis Alain Marais , installé aux philippines depuis 2 ans dans l’ ile de Négros occidentale où
    l’ une des spécialité agricole est notament l’ ananas .
    Je suis intéressé par la production de fibres d’ ananas pour son caractère écologique .
    Ceci un premier contact avec vous .
    Pouvez me dire si vous avez bien reçu cet email svp .
    Si oui j’ aimerais poursuivre cette conversation plus précisement.
    Merci pour ce que vous faites .
    A bientôt
    Alain Marais

  2. Hi I want to reach out Dr. Carmen Hijosa for questions regarding Ananas Anam. Would you mind giving me her email? Thank you so much!

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