[:en]Collage Experiments [:]

[:en]After being inspired by the likes of Sandhi Schimmel Gold and Luzinterruptus’ I decided to create the following collages using magazine clippings, tracing paper, brown recycled paper, fine-liner and felt-tip pen. I wanted to link together the idea of consumerism and the harm it has on the environment, I think that I was able to create this idea through my work  especially in figures A, D and E. Figure A focuses on a hand which in my opinion reflects a signal to stop and think about the harm on the environment and the disoriented lines behind show the uncertainty of the future. I think this is my strongest piece and figure C is my weakest.

To create figure C I used magazine clippings and tracing paper, this was not the best idea as you can see the glue through the tracing paper which makes it look scruffy. Within the piece I do not think there is an element to bring the piece together, therefore, making the piece look like the individual elements are just floating around the page with nothing to anchor them together.

Figure D and E focus on human consumerism. Figure D resembles a landfill, showing what happens to your clothing once it is disregarded. Some people have not even worn some of the clothing that is in their wardrobes and in some cases throw these pieces away after a couple of wearings or non at all, the collage highlights this aspect as I wanted to illustrate what I had found within my research. Figure E had ended up resembling Escher’s famous staircase painting. It aims to highlight the conveyor belt aspect of the fashion industry and how fast fashion seems to be a never ending process that constantly spits out millions of products everyday.

I will come back to this experiment later on in my project and produce some GIF’s that I can use within my campaign.

Figure A

Figure B


Figure C


Figure D

Figure E



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