Further Experimentation


This is my favourite image from this particular shoot. It was definitively a photograph that came about with significantly less conscious thought.   A lot of the images that I took looked ‘pretty’ but lacked a meaning. I feel this is because I didn’t hone in on one specific element or issue that I wanted to portray, as well as this, my focus wasn’t refined, but was a little all over the place in terms what exactly it was that I wanted to get from the images.  I was considering concepts  of surrealism;  dreams and the subconscious mind, whilst also thinking about the subculture ‘The Bright Young Things’, This being what I was initially planning on basing my project on. This photoshoot overall really helped me to identify that I don’t  want to continue exploring this subculture, or even this specific time period; instead I want to look more at the way images can speak languages that words never  can quite portray. This image I believe has transcendent quality . I feel as though here voiced, is a subtle kind of  language that can be felt equally as it is seen; rather than the image itself making an impression primarily through a colour palette or curated composition, it draws the viewer in on a level beyond what can be seen physically. There is a vulnerability to the emotion portrayed, and thus a  deep connection formed between the viewer and image.

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