Non-traditional families

It is assumed by many people that going into marriage after meeting the right one is the traditional way of forming a family. However, not everyone share the same opinion. According to the Office for National Statistics, more children are being raised in singe parent households.

single parent

Cohabiting couple family has become the second largest family type in the UK, following the married or civil partner couple families.

The number of same-sex couple families in the UK has been increasing steadily since 1996(Office for National Statistics, 2017).

This post will focus on the non-traditional families. The basic information is from the office for National Statistics and some interviews will be carried out based on the following questions:

1.       Some people think loving each other and living together is great and enough. Do you think marriage is important? 

        Are there any differences between the two kinds of the families? 

2.      According to the Office for National Statistics, more children are being raised in single parent households. Would you talk about your opinion on why this is happening please?

        How do single parent support the family?

        Is there any support from the community or church? 

3.      Are there many children raised by the parents of the same sex?

        How’s the family similar or different from traditional families?

        How do you think of this kind of the family?

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