Digital Marketing – Argos

                                                                                                           Image result for argos logo
“Argos is the UK’s leading digital retailer,
offering more than 43,000 products through, its mobile channels and its
physical stores”


With the growth of the digital age , Argos wanted to adapt by opening digital stores while seeing how customers new and old would react in their new stores.They want to know if customers would embrace or oppose the changes. Argos did this by using brand watch and analysing  individual store demographics , feedback and comments.As a result they were able to understand consumer sentiment towards the new digital stores and which stores were more favourable and in which areas.

Using Brandwatch has allowed Argos to use analytics to its advantage helping prove with data that its new digital concept stores deliver the exact experience consumers want.

My opinion

I Believe Argos is doing the right thing by opening digital stores , it allows Argos to track data more easily as well as take on feedback and improvements to individual stores. This shows they’re listening to their customers and building the stores around the customer which will hopefully allow them to sustain being the UK’s leading digital retailer.


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