18 March: BBS Student-led online event in partnership with FotoDocument

Brighton Business School Event Management students are supporting FotoDocument to hold an exclusive 60-minute talk on the art of photography with an insight into women’s perception and experience in industry.

Date: 18 March 2021

Time: 7-8pm

Book here: www.ticketsource.co.uk/rhombus-events

Follow Rhombus Events to get booking details: https://www.instagram.com/rhombus.events/  

FotoDocument, a non-profit enterprise based in Brighton that promotes and brings awareness to positive initiatives through photography. Guest speakers Nina Emmet (funding director of FotoDoc) and Nicky Quamina-Woo (2020 Marilyn Stafford award winner) will be talking at the event followed by a discussion regarding their experiences and the challenges they have had to face as women in the industry.

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