Editorial experimentations inspired by a combination of the subcultures and modern sustainability, linking it to the East End of London due to the focus on sustainability there such as in the shop Cock and Bull. The reusing nature of the Congo Sapeur style, and their use of bright colours inspired the styling of a capsule wardrobe and the colour concept. Grafitti was further involved due to the colour concept, but it also linked to the Congo Sapeur love of reusing and making art out of the most dead of places. The idea of a love for Art involved inspiration from ‘The World Goes Pop’ exhibition at the TATE due to the anti consumerist pop art value, some imagery is used above, evoking a pop art style. The Amish added perhaps the darker element to the style, using longer and darker shapes aesthetically used within the subculture. Furthermore, the book of Exodus teaches one not to worship other idols. Thus, the Amish dolls are faceless, this imagery was also used to inspired the work such as the first image.