Online brand ambassadors: keeping it human.

Standing as a public figure to represent a company, brand ambassadors enlighten the wider image of the given brand in the upmost positive light possible. They are understood to be the pure embodiment of the image that the company wants to portray, creating a cohesive and easily understood bond online between followers and admirers. There are a few different ways in which an online ambassador is able to drive forwards new target markets and connect on a deeper emotional level with existing clients, below a few of these are discussed:

  • The power of word of mouth

As a study completed by the ‘Keller Group’ found that only 8% of word of mouth brand conversations are essentially pessimistic, and an overwhelming 66% being inherently positive, the question is raised, as to where the negatives of word of mouth are? Understandably, its hard to find some. Andersson & Ekman (2009) narrate how “not only is it cost effective” but further more relative against other promotional tools, it excels in building a more confident and elusive brand image but also influencing target groups, known as ‘place buyers’. This idea of word of mouth also allows an infective knowledge among target groups that otherwise may have been unreachable from the coordinator, ever expanding the brand image.  Audiences are able to also build a deeper trust with the brand through word of mouth, as they are able to hold greater confidence in the products through peer reviews, rather than wide spread monotonous advertising, that Huffington post suggest we are exposed to over 250 per day. Another benefit that arises is that the network is seen as a channel of development rather than a one way communication platform, acting as a subsidiary to the overall cutthroat manner of the place. As argued by Kotler (1999), the capability of word of mouth is highly uncontested in the world of marketing research.


  • Humanizing your product

In the world of online shopping and digital marketing it is important not to loose touch of face to face brand interaction, with world wide recognition or international purchasing this may become more difficult to for a firm to achieve, but this is where recognised brand ambassadors play a beneficial role in enhancing the lost world of a ‘local’ feel. With personality traits and brand passion being at the forefront of their agenda in whatever they do, customers are able to recognise that the brand is being humanised, personalised and real, creating an emotional connection on both a wide scale national or international setting or tailored to individual purchases. In turn making the followers feel connected with the brand, and cared for.


  • The customer drive

The emotional engagement created through efficient brand ambassadors creates the idea that customer satisfaction process is further driven forward by their own contribution in the purchasing method or brand experience. It solidifies the idea that loyal cliental will positively make an effort to increase the satisfaction of the brand engagement experience along with the brand its self, such as; a more increased social media awareness, with increased brand participation with ‘shares’, ‘likes’, ‘retweets’, ‘regrams’ and ‘tagging’ peers and associates that result in new target markets, again driving reach further and further. This inherent drive in the customer to positively participate with the brand is known as ‘The Ripple Effect’ , coinciding with the word of mouth theory, the analogy of throwing a pebble into a still pond is used, a small cause creating a big effect. Again another powerful tool in the marketing mix to ensure a successful expansion of business into new targets and markets.


Three very simple yet devastatingly effective strategies that if used correctly can cause a wild fire of growth. Although we may be moving forward into a cyber reality, the real strength of advertising success lays in the very foundations of businesses, that is, the customer and their voice.


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