Today’s gift is tomorrow’s commodity. Yesterday’s commodity is tomorrow’s found art object. Today’s art object is tomorrow’s junk. And yesterday’s junk is tomorrow’s heirloom

Lecturers give free online talks as part of University exhibition looking at how objects are seen, from treasures to junk

From ‘The Fetishism of Commodities’ and ‘Graphic Interventions’, to ‘The Social Life of Unwanted Things’ and ‘Tracing the pursuit of (modern) happiness’ sign up to what promise to be fascinating events. Continue reading “Lecturers give free online talks as part of University exhibition looking at how objects are seen, from treasures to junk”

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Lecturer Anita Rupprecht discusses transatlantic slave trade on Open City podcast

In the wake of the BLM protests, podcast series Slavery and the City looks at what it means for Britain to reckon with the history of the transatlantic slave trade – and Humanities lecturer Anita has contributed to the second episode on London’s Guildhall and the slave ship, Zong massacre.

Continue reading “Lecturer Anita Rupprecht discusses transatlantic slave trade on Open City podcast”