harry hillery's memorial page

How Brighton’s Creative Writing MA inspired Harry Hillery’s ongoing work

“My favourite part of the course was the Writer in Residence module because this established that there was an appetite for remembrance work around the HIV / AIDS epidemic in the Brighton area, which became the basis for my dissertation and led me to create an archive and remembrance page for Brighton.”

What made you choose the Creative Writing MA at Brighton?

“I was working at the University of Brighton at the time and had completed a six-week creative writing course which whet my appetite for more. Dr Jess Moriarty facilitated the course, and she encouraged me to make an application for the Creative Writing Masters.”

Tell us a bit about your time here – what were your favourite modules for example, and how did the course match up to what you were expecting?

“All the modules were good, but my favourite was the Community in Practice (Writer in Residence) because this established that there was an appetite for remembrance work around the HIV / AIDS epidemic in the Brighton area. The work I started with the module became the basis for my dissertation and led me to create an archive and remembrance page for Brighton.

harry hillery's memorial page

Above: Harry’s AIDS memorial site

“Rhetoric was a close second, although at the time it caused a few sleepless nights. Much of what we covered has stayed with me and I’ve used much since in a work context and in my own writing. The module stretched me academically and proved invaluable training for other modules.”

How did the lecturers help/inspire you?

“Dr Jess Moriarity was always encouraging and supportive. She also inspired through structured feedback and by creating a relaxed playful interactive environment.

“Dr Kate Aughterson is also worth mentioning for her ability to signpost to the right source material and her encyclopaedic knowledge. And last but not least, Julie Everton’s scriptwriting module was not only great fun but invaluable for the budding Scorseses amongst us.

“All the lecturers made the modules relaxed, creative and inspiring in their own ways. A feeling of safety to try things out was enabled by the approach.”

What have you been doing since graduating, and how has doing the MA helped with this?

“I started a PhD but decided this didn’t suit what I wanted to achieve in the long term. I decided I could get more done and be more creative doing things my way without the shackles of academia. Since then, I have set up an archive Queer Heritage South, established a remembrance page and have started a semi-autobiographical novel.”

Anything else you’d like to add 😊

“I was incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to do the Masters – it was the highlight of my time at the University.”

Find out about studying Creative Writing MA at the University of Brighton.





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