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Creative Writing student prizes and partnerships

Take a look at some of the partnerships, prizes and events you will benefit from if you choose our Creative Writing courses at the University of Brighton.

Afrori Bookshop book club and partnership
Afrori Books a bookshop selling books of Black origin runs a student book club and a partnership scheme which includes funded roles for students as co-organisers as part of the Ignite programme.

Epoque Press Publishers
Every year publishers Epoque Press award a prize for the best Creative Writing student dissertation.

The Coast is Queer Festival
Along with staff, Creative Writing BA(Hons) students are involved as programmers and literary events managers at The Coast is Queer Festival where University regularly appear on panels and run workshops.

Frogmore Press
Frogmore Press are publishers who regularly visit the University to speak at our publishing panels in Years 2 and 3 of the Creative Writing undergraduate courses.

Red Setter PR
Red Setter PR agency offer Creative Writing undergraduate students a six-week, funded summer internship.

Pier Review
Creative Writing students get the chance to publish in the Creative Writing MA-run magazine Pier Review which showcases work by our talented students.

Find out about studying Creative Writing at the University of Brighton.

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