When humans become migrants

A blog containing Marie-Bénédicte Dembour's 30 episode podcast to support her book.

Episode 26: Can a child ever be just a ‘fait accompli’?

Can a woman be expelled to her country of origin when she has a young child who is a national of the would-be expelling European state and her expulsion would mean child and mother are separated?   In one famous case, the European Court of Human Rights decided that the mother’s expulsion would violate the…

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Episode seventeen: What effects do we want human rights judgments to have?

If a human rights court knows that a state is going to resist a ruling of violation, should the court refrain from insisting that human rights have been violated and from ordering that the state change its ways? This episode contrasts how the Inter-American and European Courts approach this question. [podcast]https://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/humanrights/files/2015/05/hrm17_what_effects_do_judgments_have-1p6506z.mp3[/podcast] (If you have problems…

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