Call for Contributions

A right to home? Understanding and responding to housing inequality
6 – 7 June 2019
University of Brighton

In contemporary society, the so-called housing crisis and inequality surrounding access to housing is a central theme in public debate. The current hypercommodification of the housing market, the dismantling of the social rent sector and mass-scale dispossession do not only entail an unequal distribution of housing, but also reflect the conditionality of access to theright to home.

Following the ‘Right to Home’ symposium hosted at the University of Brighton 2018, this two-day event aims to bring together activists, practitioners and researchers responding to housing inequality to explore the global and historical interconnections of the housing crisis and its localised consequences. We would like to invite contributions for 10 minute presentations sharing research, experience and activist work on housing inequality.

We look forward to contributions engaging with the following themes:

  • Gentrification, dispossession and displacement
  • Social housing, stigma and exclusion
  • Private rental sector and commercialisation of homes
  • Homelessness and criminalisation
  • Squatting, housing cooperatives, alternative homes and new utopias

We are happy to invite submissions until 19 April 2019, please include your name, affiliation, presentation title and short description (max 250 words) and send to

Symposium: Friday 8 June 2018, 10-5:30pm

A right to home: responding to the housing crisis

This symposium aims to bring together early career and established researchers of housing inequality across the UK to explore the concept of a right to home from different perspectives. The event will provide a space to explore the global and historical interconnections of the housing crisis and its localised consequences on the social formation of home across the UK.

For further information and registration