This Microbit was made by the BBC and is a variable used as a programming chip to store data/information on instead of straight onto a device. Other different types of micro controllers include Arduino – which is famous for being accessible to people by using easy to understand language, AVRs, commercial ICs and Blob ICs. It has a lot of capabilities including lighting up numbers and words i.e. telling the time or displaying a sentence when activated. To download the information onto the microbit you either need a usb cable or you can use bluetooth.
I decided to create a two player game within my microbit. Which ever person can click 10 or more times on their button (right or left) a different symbol appears (either a smiley face or a tick). When the game starts a message saying ‘hello’ shows up on the LEDs and a message in the simulator lets you know the games started.
I also made it so that if the microbit is shook an angry face shows up in the LEDs.
I also figured out that I needed to add a serial tab to the start bar for it to allow me to view the simulator then I could track the games progress.
This is showing the messages popping up when a button was pressed.