Tagged: print

FILLER zine @ Somerset House

I found out today that FILLER has been chosen to exhibit at PROCESS! Festival, a festival at Somerset House – co-curated by another of my favourite independent magazines OOMK – in July, celebrating independent artists, collectives and publishers. This’ll be a brilliant opportunity to promote FILLER, make more creative and business connections and gain inspiration from others.

This’ll also teach me more about the curation, engagement and management of arts and publishing events, something I want to start increasing my involvement in after university, and hopefully host my own.

>>> Facebook event here <<<



printing and illustration methods

I used a variety of image-making methods to make sure there was diversity throughout the zine, very often using hand-drawn illustration and adding colour on Illustrator, as well as scanning in hand-drawn illustrations and typography to create a DIY or diary look. I also used lino-printing to add texture, but edited colours to create a stamp-like effect. Overall, by combining digital and analogue methods I managed to create interesting, diverse spreads which created a collaged, scrapbook look.