Tagged: nature

W E E K 3 ethnobotany: natural plant dyes

I conducted a still life shoot based on the concept of ethnobotany and natural dyes in textiles. I wanted to focus on vibrant colours and bold shapes to give the images a contemporary look and make them differ from already existing images around this subject (which often focus on neutral tones, minimal styling and low contrast photography). I purposely picked plants that are known to give strong/vibrant colour results, such as pomegranate, beetroot and turmeric, so I could create bright and fun images with them. I intend for the these photos to feature alongside samples of fabric that I have actually dyed with the plants to demonstrate how natural dyeing is possible and effective…to hopefully inspire a change in the way we think about the designs and colours of our clothing – maybe we should be dyeing garments naturally ourselves? Maybe we should simply source more ethical brands that do this already? Could this inspire a larger interest in up cycling and DIY fashion, that has so far only been picked up by outsider groups that do not “associate” themselves with mainstream trends?

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W E E K 2: Kew Gardens visual research

I visited Kew Gardens to get initial visual research to kickstart my project. I focused on interesting shapes, colours and textures that could be translated into a fashion context. I am looking to be able to use these as inspiration or even incorporate them into illustrations, fashion illustration and collage to be included in my publication.

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