Tagged: lifestyle

development of concept: food & fashion

Ader Error

In my tutorial with Vanessa today we went through my progress so far in terms of collecting submissions for FILLER, as well as my own content that I have begun to think about. We discussed how I have an interest in food photography and the discourse around food and diet trends, and how this translates well into fashion communication as the relationship between fashion and food is rather tenuous. This led me to consider how FILLER could focus exclusively on food and fashion, as it is a theme that appears in a lot of my research, inspiration and ideas, and also makes the zine personal to my interests (which is after all what a zine is all about). I also stated how people seem to be excited to engage with content surrounding food, as I received a lot of responses in my comfort food survey. I have therefore decided to work with this naturally emerging theme of food and tailor my call for submissions to focus more on food-related pieces, which has led me to feel a lot more excited about the development of the project, as a truly unique publication based around my personal interests but catering for the individual, forward-thinking reader that is still interested in trends, art and fashion.