Tagged: filler

launch event/promotion

Through being previously involved in events for Pop-Up Brighton, I was contacted regarding potential space hire for a zine launch event that I had enquired about. I wanted to keep any events local to Brighton and/or London as the majority of my contributors are based around there, as am I, and it keeps the personal, friendly feel of the zine. This is also why I wanted a small, independent and accessible venue to keep this approachable feel for Filler. Brighton has a great scene for pop-up, DIY arts and music events and so I wasn’t short of inspiration or venues/collaborators I could contact.

It was proposed that I could hold a week-long event, which I would base as an exhibition of prints from the zine project, as well as selling the first issue and promoting the project as an ongoing brand. I wanted to hold a ‘launch’ event on the first day of the space hire to encourage people to attend, much like other zines or independent magazines like Ladybeard and Polyester do.

This could involve: a gig featuring local bands, food tasting or a food-based installation, an interactive board or wall that guests can write/doodle/submit their ideas about Filler on, a zine or collage workshop.

interactive/satirical magazine features

I researched into lighthearted and satirical magazine features to follow the fun, approachable tone I want FILLER to have. My main inspiration came from Bay Garnett’s Cheap Date magazine, which focuses on going against mainstream, mass-produced fashion and has a DIY zine feel. More recently, Mushpit magazine features satirical adverts and interactive elements such as quizzes and diagrams that comment on our contemporary society.

This made me want to take a lighthearted approach to other elements of trends I have observed. For example there is a youth trend in astrology and spirituality, with more and more young adults taking notice of horoscopes – Instagram alone is filled with “memes” dissecting our signs and how that explains our behaviour and personality traits. A popular app called Co-Star gives users daily astrological updates, and also allows you to add your friends so that you can view their natal charts and read in-depth compatibility results. So I created a satirical horoscopes feature in the zine, which turned knowledge of each star sign into lighthearted guidance on lifestyle and food habits, for example suggesting that Scorpios should “stop comparing your foodie Instagram pics to everyone else’s”.

The rise in “mindfulness” colouring books for adults’ mental health inspired me to create a “self-care must haves” colouring page, which used my personal illustration style to depict typical self-care products and behaviours for readers to colour in.

F I L L E R magazine: media pack

As part of my outcome for part 2 of this module, as well as my statement of intent for my final major project I wanted to create an initial media pack for my intended publication, bringing together my research and ideas to create a document that can form the basis of my work next semester. This media pack for FILLER magazine demonstrates the outcome of my research and experimentation and how it has informed my ideas around my potential outcome. Although these ideas may change, this has allowed me to move forward with a clearer idea of where I want my FMP to go, with an outline of design, content and readership and what I will need to do to make this a reality.

Creating this media pack also allowed me to experiment with InDesign and layout more which I really enjoyed, as I want my work to focus more on creative typography and design, and ‘breaking the rules’ of graphic design.

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