Tagged: curation

FILLER zine @ Somerset House

I found out today that FILLER has been chosen to exhibit at PROCESS! Festival, a festival at Somerset House – co-curated by another of my favourite independent magazines OOMK – in July, celebrating independent artists, collectives and publishers. This’ll be a brilliant opportunity to promote FILLER, make more creative and business connections and gain inspiration from others.

This’ll also teach me more about the curation, engagement and management of arts and publishing events, something I want to start increasing my involvement in after university, and hopefully host my own.

>>> Facebook event here <<<



North: Fashioning Identity @ Somerset House

I visited the North: Fashioning Identity exhibition at Somerset House to collect ideas around how I can research within fashion and culture and curate a creative outcome. The exhibition was curated by Lou Stoppard and Adam Murray, and Lou Stoppard is a constant source of inspiration to me in the fashion journalism and curation world. The exhibition was a vast, detailed display of how the fashion and art industry has taken inspiration from the culture and history of the north of England.

The exhibition space was curated into sections that unpick different areas of how the North is depicted and drawn up – looking first at documentary and fashion photography throughout the ages that has featured recognisable symbols and stereotypes (architecture and landscape, ‘the quintessential Northern woman’ and the Northern family and lifestyle).

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