brand identity and development with Teresa Havvas

T U T O R I A L :  T E R E S A  H A V V A S

My tutorial with brand consultant Teresa Havvas was particularly motivating and inspiring in thinking about what my project could become and where I want FILLER to go.

We discussed the existence of ‘feminist’ publications and decided to avoid categorising it as feminist/anti-fashion, and instead let it organically develop with things that inspire or interest me.

Feminist connotations I originally gave the word ‘filler’ can now also mean ‘filling’ the space in our heads/time. The publication could include powerful thinkpieces, not necessarily related to the ‘angry’ feminist discourse. We discussed the possibility of perhaps not putting out a call for submissions and instead focusing on the unknown, letting people be surprised by the content. Each issue could be a surprise in terms of theme, format, content and release date.

To progress with these ideas and allow my project to be a lot freer and organic in its development, I aim to take in everything around me that inspires me – visiting London to see more exhibitions as well as book stores to think about design, formatting and brand identity. I have a trip to Berlin coming up which will also be a great opportunity to collect inspiration (fashion, visual or otherwise) and allow me to collect research and ideas from different contexts and surroundings.

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