trekstock campaign: self-care zine

After research into Trekstock and its associated projects/campaigns (Yellow Bird Project and their 50/50 collection with Everpress), I like how they are targeting young people with their creative, fun and fashionable fundraising.

I was particularly inspired by the ‘Wellbeing’ section on their website, an area of lifestyle that the charity promote through their website in regular blog posts including recipes, mindfulness tips, interviews and ‘insights’. This is information suitable for anyone, not only cancer sufferers and their support network. Through this I’ve created an idea for a zine focusing on health and wellbeing, in particular self-care. A mini publication is easy to pick up and read or flick through, and will be inexpensive to make, meaning more profits from sales can go to the charity. Zines have made a huge comeback in the young creative community, and one in collaboration with a charity, that asks for submissions and contributions would strengthen that message of togetherness and support that is so important with Trekstock.

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