Photograph Development

For this sample of my photograph development I have chosen to show these three images from a secluded rural walk in Kings Worthy. The second two photographs depict horses grazing in the field. I aimed to portray the animals as undisturbed and going about their daily life. The images convey a sense of peacefulness that I experience whilst walking on this particular route.

The first image conveys how nature and man meet through capturing an electrically-wired post besides a tree top. The clear blue sky helped to emphasise the two contrasting objects, giving the photograph an aesthetically pleasing look. This technique of combining man-made objects with natural structures follows the work of photographers Soth and Bendikson.

I aimed to capture the vibrance from the natural environment on days when the sky was a clear blue. The blue sky compliments the greenery in the three photographs. Moreover, due to the brightness of the sun, the two dark horses contrast effectively against the grass, almost to make them appear as a silhouette.

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