For this set of photographs i chose to predominantly focus on the beauty of the nature in Kings Worthy. The images are paired for specific thematic reasons. Convincingly, Jonas Bendikson contributed to the production of these images, for they amalgamate both human and natural aspects of my hometown together. Moreover, alike some of Bendikson’s work I showed images in which nature is outlasting structures that humans made.
The first two images depict the same route to walk, however this is not why I chose them to be paired. They link together through the property of containing both man-made and natural aspects, in which the man made structure is deteriorating and being consumed by nature. The first image depicts a WWI bunker that has been consumed by growing bushes and weeds. The second image shows a rusted and out of use plow, that has been set aside. These images convey the ephemeral nature of mankind’s creations, compared to nature which continues to grow and flourish. They also highlight an ongoing conflict between man and nature, in which nature is winning.
The second two images can be interlinked by their sentimental meaning to me. The first image of the cows grazing portrays the view that is opposite my house, that I see on a daily basis. It’s paired photo, whilst appearing irrelevant to the other, is a walkway close by that these cows are often herded through in single file. Interestingly, when the cows are not in the field, they will be being led through the thin walkway to be milked. This means that in Kings Worthy, generally the animals can be seen in the places depicted in either photograph.
The third pair of photographs, alike the previous, may not appear to be interlinked. However, the bench depicted in the image is the place in which I most associate the girl in the second image. These two particular places are of great significance to my experiences growing up in Kings Worthy. The photograph of the bench in front of a house is particularly interesting as it reflects how nature and human structures can be combined to create a pleasant image. The house is covered with decorative flowers that compliment the structure, in addition to following my theme in reflecting how nature meets man.