Category Archive: Uncategorized

Reflecting on my university experience.

Reflecting on my university experience.

So today I have finished my whole degree, I handed in everything on time and this is my final blog post. This whole thing feels …


When to stop

When to stop

I currently have 5 days left until hand in, and I am reflecting on something I have found hard throughout my whole degree which is …


Apartment Brain

Apartment Brain I am pleased with this edit however there are a few technical things I could improve. I should’ve checked the size of the image before …


Website Tweaks

Website Tweaks

My website is something that I keep revisiting and continually tweaking. I felt I was happy with the font, but today I went back and …


Zoom Collage Edit

Zoom Collage Edit

Here as the full video as mentioned in my sketchbook. Overall, I am happy with this edit but it is not my favourite piece I …


Reversed Film

Reversed Film

When uploading this video to my blog I re-watched a few times again and I felt that the sound didn’t quite match the video. I …


My portfolio journey

My portfolio journey

Throughout this whole module, creating my portfolio has definitely been the hardest task so far. I originally thought I would just put a few images …




Reflecting on my work so far. Currently I have 2 weeks left until hand in, I feel like I have created a lot of content …


To do list

To do list

I currently have under 2 weeks left until I hand in this project. I feel like I have been working steadily throughout this module so …


Zoom Content Initial Edits

Zoom Content Initial Edits

For my video collages I created these four 30 second videos to insert into the imagery. On reflection now, I am not sure if I …

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