© 2020 Helly Pringle

Job Roles


When creating my database on potential employers I found that my list of potential companies is very varied. I feel this is because I am still not 100% sure what field I want to go in too. I would say styling is my first choice as this is what I have experience in, and when I have assisted stylists is when I have felt the most happy and excited about my career. However, I still haven’t tried lots of other jobs, so I don’t want to call myself a stylist before I really know what job is for me. This is why I have often called myself a ‘fashion creative’ and a ‘fashion artist’ in my sketchbook as I feel these terms are broader. Some other careers that I would consider exploring in the future are: Set design, Creative Direction and Trend forecasting. This is why I wanted to make sure that my portfolio and my website carry a varied amount of content, so hopefully employers will be able to see that my skill set is varied and that I am willing to explore!

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