© 2020 Helly Pringle

Reflecting on my university experience.

So today I have finished my whole degree, I handed in everything on time and this is my final blog post. This whole thing feels so surreal, as I don’t have my tutors or classmates to celebrate with or thank properly in person. It’s weird that the last time I left uni I didn’t really think that was my goodbye, as I feel I didn’t take it all in properly or say goodbye to it all! Although my degree has ended in this weird way, I am still very grateful for what I have learnt throughout my course, the people I’ve met, the experience I got and the fun I have had. I am really going to miss coming in to the fashion comms creative atmosphere and getting inspired by everyone’s enthusiasm and love for fashion like mine. I know some people finish their degree and realise that their course isn’t what they want to do in the future. But personally, I feel so excited to get into the industry, as I feel my course has really given me some self confidence in my work, and I really think I will be able to do it!  I know it will be difficult to find a job during these circumstances, but I’m positive I will be able to make it work!


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